You are a homunculus, a humanoid being of clay powered by a Philosopher's stone in your chest. You serve a secret ancient organization called the Saltmasons devoted to regulating alchemy, which deploy you to fight and neutralize alchemists that breach alchemical law. Uncover a massive cult of evil alchemists attempting to transmute reality itself, eventually finding that the cult has infiltrated into the Saltmasons, leaving you as a lone operative now tasked to defeat them before the effective end of the world. Play through and get one of 8 endings!

Game Design Document Link

Created by Iron Blade and Matthew Mayhue for the Pirate Software Game Jam 15.  Feel free to leave feedback in the comments! 

Known issues (SPOILER WARNING)
  • In the ending where you stop the bomb but let the culprit get away, the mission report text does not display.
  • The "you died" passage is incomplete.
  • There are a few misspellings and missing punctuation marks throughout the story. If you see any, please comment them. I think I found most of them, but one can never be too sure.

I cannot fix any issues until the jam voting period is finished. Sorry!


Homunculus_Rouge_GDD.pdf 141 kB

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